Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Wonder Woman Wednesday-seven year old saves cousin from kidnapping

When 39-year-old David Moore tried to kidnap 4-year-old Brandon as he played near his Miami home, his cousin wasn’t about to have it. 

“The man started pulling him, and we started pulling him back, and I had to chop and kick him so he could let Brandon go,” 7-year-old A-nari Taylor explained.  The girl reportedly punched, kicked, and screamed, causing Moore to release the boy.

Moore allegedly approached the boy saying, “God told me to take him, God told me he’s coming with me,” then grabbed him, but not before A-nari, in a moment of selflessness and bravery fought for her cousin’s life.
7-year-old A-nari Taylor

Because of her courage, A-nari  is receiving this week’s Wonder Woman Wednesday award.

“I’m very proud of her and she knows that I love her,” her mother said in an interview about the incident, “what she did was very brave.”

Because of A-nari’s strength and courage, Moore was arrested and charged with attempted kidnapping and false imprisonment.  She may never know how many more lives she saved by springing to action in a moment when many others would freeze. 

39-year-old David Moore

If she’s that tough of a cookie now, think about the force she will be when she grows up.
NBC Miami reported that A-nari received a plaque and a SpongeBob SquarePants jacket in a ceremony to reward her for her brave actions.

It’s time to talk to your kids about what can happen to them and what to do if it does. 

Are you or someone you know a survivor?  Submit your story to for consideration for Wonder Woman Wednesday.

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