Thursday, August 29, 2013

Why choose Damsel in Defense over the cheaper stun guns on the market

There's a lot of talk about this knock off cheap $20 stun gun guy showing up at gun shows and underselling products similar to some that Damsel in Defense carries.  I just want to remind everyone that we are more than stun guns.

We are educators

We have an entire line that will only continue to grow that includes roadside kits, pepper spray, personal alarms, martial arts tools, and more.

We sell for a company that gives back to charities that help survivors survive and victims become survivors.

When we are invited into someone's home to give a demonstration, we are giving people knowledge that could save their lives even if they don't purchase something.

Our parties are the funnest in-home party I have ever attended, and I've been to them all.

We are passionate

We are compassionate

We get to sit with other women and listen to their stories of survival as well as share our own.

We teach people how to keep their children safe by teaching them things to talk to their kids about and carrying products specifically designed to protect children.

Our products are durable and Damsel in Defense stands by them.

Ours come in cute and sassy colors that make us feel like warrior princesses.

We make safety our #1 concern, not only for ladies on the go, but with how to handle and care for our products, when to replace things that need to be replaced, and create an inviting environment for women to ask questions.

Our passion empowers other women to be passionate about themselves and others around them.

We have a team.  We can lift up our struggling Damsels, praise our triumphs, share our ideas, and encourage each other to continue to stretch out of our comfort zone.

We are a team unlike any that I have seen with any other network marketing company.

The most important thing that sets us apart from random Zapper guy is that we are for life.  We build relationships with our clients that last forever.  When someone has us in their living room, we create a bond. They will forever come to us for self defense products so long as we nurture that bond.  If they have a problem, they can come to us.  We are not an intimidating man in a booth at a gun show.  We are a strong network of women who, at the end of the day want other women to stay safe.  The money we make doing this is just a side bonus.  The real reward is that we belong to a company that praises God every step of the way with everything they do.

When you are a client of Damsel in Defense, it's a relationship.  When you buy from random guy, it's a stun gun in a box that will likely never come out because of the intimidation factor of what it seems like carrying a few million volts around.

Whether you want to book a party or join my team,  you can find it all at

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